Thursday, December 04, 2008

Who says houses aren't selling?

My staged properties sure are selling, almost too fast. You always hear how things slow down over the holidays but my experience has been that homes that are priced accurately and look great sell year round.

I only so 2 or 3 Signature Stagings a month, it is a lot of work to do a Signature Staging on a vacant property. I take the time I think each property needs to get it perfect. I have a warehouse full of furniture, art, lighting and accessories to choose furnishings from but the pack up, the move and then the unpacking and staging is arduous work.

I thought for sure I would have a relaxing December with multiple staged properties in place. Especially with all the bad news of late and the slowing economy. But such is not the case, several staged properties sold in the last 2 weeks so it looks like I will doing a few more moves in December. I have some happy sellers.

One property had been on the market for 14 months prior to Signature Staging and it sold in 44 days. The tour for that one is featured below. Another sold in 17 days. But I should not be surprised, I see it over and over. Staging works in any market!