Monday, February 15, 2010

The Perfect Color in only moments, with no mistakes

Selecting paint from thousands of colors in paint decks has always been terrifying. Recently I learned the secrets and the science of making that process a snap by completing color certification training, "The Art and Science of Color."

This earned me the distinction of becoming a Certified Color Consultant, recognised by The Decorating and Staging Academy, the WCAA, CHF, RESA, and IRIS.

As an interior decorating professional I have the responsibility to keep my clients current on the trends happening within the industry. People are intimidated by color but are desperate to have it in their homes. This training will enable me to bring the latest techniques and trends to my clients.

Traditional interior design can take a alot of time and money. Adding the right color to a space can give you instant gratification for a fraction of the cost. Check out my website for services and pricing or call me at 704-517-6653. If you want a room that is transformed for a price tag you can afford call today for a Color Consultation and get a free Personal Color Palette.